OPPassessment general help

Welcome to OPPassessment

Welcome to the OPPassessment system. If you are visiting this site to complete a psychometric questionnaire, you will already have been registered on the system by a qualified practitioner. Your practititioner will also have supplied you with the sign in details that you need to access the site. Your practitioner is your first point of contact should you have any questions or problems when completing your questionnaire.

What is OPPassessment?

OPPassessment provides a simple way to complete The Myers-Briggs Company's range of questionnaires in a secure online environment: you sign in to the system, complete your questionnaire online (and in your own time), and the questionnaire is scored. Your practitioner can then view the results and provide you with appropriate feedback - depending on the context in which the questionnaire is being used.

Signing in

If you forget your password at any time, enter your username and Practitioner ID, and then click on the "Forgotten your password?" link - your new sign in details will be resent to the email address registered for you on the system.

(Note that you will receive a separate set of sign in details from each practitioner that issues you with questionnaires.)

Please contact your practitioner if you have any other problems signing in.

Please note that, once you have signed in to OPPassessment, your session will automatically time out if it is inactive for 20 minutes: this is to protect you by ensuring that unauthorised users cannot gain access to your account.

Completing your questionnaires

  1. Once you have successfully signed in, you will be taken to your Home page. This page displays a list of all of the questionnaires that your practitioner has aked you to complete (including the ones that you have already successfully completed). You can sort the list by clicking on the column headings.
  2. To start filling in a questionnaire, click on the name of the questionnaire.
  3. Read the questionnaire instructions and follow them carefully. Note that the questionnaires have a number of mandatory fields - please take care to fill them all in.
  4. Work your way through the questions and answers in the questionnaire. You can use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page to move around in the questionnaire, and the "Save and complete later" button to save your anwers at any time and return to the Home page. When you reopen the questionnaire, you will be taken back to the place where you left off. However, if you leave a questionnaire for more than 30 days, it will be reset when you next reopen it.
  5. At the end of the questions and answers you will come to the "Summary" page. Here, you should check that you have answered sufficient questions, and answer any outstanding questions if instructed to do so. You can also review your answers and change them if you wish.
  6. Once you have answered the appropriate number of questions, click on the "Submit" button. Your questionnaire will then be submitted to OPPassessment for scoring.
  7. After your questionnaire has been scored, your practitioner will be able to view a report that contains your scores. At that stage (and depending upon the context that the questionnaire is being used in) your practitioner may contact you for feedback and discussion.

Setting your default language

This option determines the language that the OPPassessment site is displayed in when you sign in to the system. Choose your desired language from the drop-down list. (Note that this does not change the language of your questionnaires - only the display language for the web site.)


If you require any extra help or support while you are using OPPassessment, please contact your practitioner.